The Cost of Aging: Are You Ready?

Posted on Apr 3, 2019

Navigating the maze of long term care options can be confusing, but planning far in advance, ideally with the help of professionals such as elder law attorneys, financial advisors, and geriatric case managers, can prevent a great deal of hardship later on.

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Cash Balance Plans Allow Six Figure Annual Contributions

Posted on Mar 28, 2019

Most people can contribute to their 401(k) without worrying about exceeding the annual contribution limit. If you’re under 50 years old, that’s $19,000 a year. If you’re 50 or older, it’s $25,000. But a small and important segment of the population has the ability– and desire –to contribute significantly more to their retirement account. If you’re looking to save even more on taxes and put up to six figures per year into your retirement account, a Cash Balance plan may be the right choice.

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To Roth or Not to Roth

Posted on Mar 13, 2019

A compelling feature of a 401(k) plan has always been the opportunity to contribute money from your current income on a pre-tax basis today - let it work for you over the years - and then pay taxes on the accumulated balance as you withdraw it in future.

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Steps To Take To Protect Your Investments

Posted on Feb 21, 2019

We are writing to alert you to the increasing national incidents of fraudulent activity with regard to 401(k) accounts and pension plans. Unauthorized distributions, loans, and transfers not only can wipe out employees’ life savings, but expose plan sponsors, administrators and their service providers to state and federal fines, lawsuits, and damage to a company’s reputation.

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Gen Z in the Workplace: Are Companies Ready?

Posted on Feb 8, 2019

Each generation faces challenges integrating with older generations in the workplace. Gen Z is no different in their quest for meaningful work that aligns with their values. Just as they have much to learn when they enter the working world, they also have much to offer. Exposed to the global marketplace at an early age, they tend to have an entrepreneurial streak and are open to new ideas.

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Neglect Onboarding At Your Own Risk

Posted on Jan 28, 2019

Effective onboarding of new employees can mean the difference between keeping good talent and spending valuable time and resources struggling to fill teams. If your onboarding is lacking or simply not working for your company, try folding in the techniques and insights of some industry experts who have perfected this crucial step to business success.

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The Vanishing Employee: “Ghosting” at Work

Posted on Jan 18, 2019

Employees quit without notice. There are no explanations given and an employer’s attempts to reach the person are fruitless. The problem is happening across all industries and pay levels.

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The Sobering Facts about Health Care Costs in Retirement

Posted on Jan 4, 2019

Unless you are one of the lucky few with a lifetime medical plan paid for by your employer, health care costs are one of the largest expenses in retirement and can take a significant bite out of your savings.

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Should You Borrow from Your 401(k) Account?

Posted on Dec 12, 2018

While there are drawbacks and possible financial consequences, borrowing from your 401(k) may make sense if you have a financial crisis that cannot be resolved in any other way. You may also determine that an investment such as tuition for an advanced degree or a down payment for a house is worth the downside of taking out a 401(k) loan

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Are You Taking Advantage of Your Employer’s Matching Contribution?

Posted on Nov 19, 2018

Many employees don’t contribute enough to their 401(k) to take full advantage of their employer’s matching contribution. Are you one of them?

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