Consulting Actuaries

Brian Gordon

Brian Gordon
Consulting Actuary
[email protected]

Brian Gordon is a consulting actuary who has been with TPS Group since November 2021.

Prior to joining TPS, Brian worked for over two decades as a 401(k) specialist, earning the Certified Pension Consultant designation in 2006 from the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries (ASPPA). In 2009 he was among the first to earn the designation of Enrolled Retirement Plan Agent (ERPA), allowing him to represent clients before the Internal Revenue Service.

For the last decade he has turned his focus primarily to defined benefit plans, especially for plan sponsors combining their pensions with 401(k) / profit sharing plans. Brian works primarily with small closely-held companies, where sponsoring principals look to take advantage of the opportunities both cash balance and 401(k) plans can provide for themselves and their workforces in tandem.

In 2024 he became an Enrolled Actuary and Member of the Society of Enrolled Actuaries (MSEA).

A 1992 graduate of Dartmouth College with an A.B. in Mathematics, Brian likens his role to solving “word problems as from math classes growing up, but where the words are essentially coming from the Internal Revenue Code.”

Related to: Actuarial Consulting

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Consulting Actuary

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