Childhood Cancer Awareness

TPS started a "Jeans for Change" campaign to benefit Arms Wide Open Childhood Cancer Foundation.

For our 3rd year in a row, beginning on September 1st - the start of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month - our office started a "Jeans for Change" campaign to benefit Arms Wide Open Childhood Cancer Foundation. AWOCCF is a registered 501(c)(3) public charity that is working closely with scientists, researchers and doctors - who are pioneers in the pediatric cancer field, who are on the forefront of bringing many alternative therapies into clinic which could prolong the lives of children diagnosed with cancer until a cure is funded. Right now there are over 40,000 children being treated for childhood cancer but research funding is limited as pharmaceutical companies do not see the efforts as profitable. Recognizing that children should not be viewed as a profit, but, rather, our investment, Arms Wide Open raises money for alternative therapies and actual treatments these children so desperately need in order to survive. (Photos courtesy of Arms Wide Open Childhood Cancer Foundation)

September 2016 - October 2016

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