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- The Pension Service
- Cash Balance Plans

Cash Balance Plans in Cincinnati, OH
A cash balance plan is a pension plan under which an employer credits a participant's account with a set percentage of his or her yearly compensation plus interest credits.
Accelerate retirement savings for Owners and Key employees while the company experiences large tax deductions.
Cash Balance Plans for businesses in Cincinnati, OH
A cash balance plan is a pension plan under which an employer credits a participant's account with a set percentage of his or her yearly compensation plus interest credits.
Easy to understand, straight forward hypothetical account balance is established for each participant as follows: Beginning Balance + Contribution Credits (usually defined as a % of pay) + Interest Credits (defined in plan document, guaranteed interest) = Ending Balance.
Cash Balance Plans Allow Six Figure Contributions
Most people can contribute to their 401(k) without worrying about exceeding the annual contribution limit. If you’re under 50 years old, that’s $19,500 a year. If you’re 50 or older, it’s $25,000.
But a small and important segment of the population has the ability – and desire – to contribute significantly more to their retirement account. If you’re looking to save even more on taxes and put up to six figures per year into your retirement account, a Cash Balance plan may be the right choice.
This video below introduces Cash Balance plans, a retirement plan design that allows significantly higher contribution limits and drives faster asset accumulations than a 401(k). Watch this month’s video and read our blog on Cash Blalance Plans to learn more. If you’re intrigued, let’s chat and see if your situation and goals might be a good fit.
Advantages of a Cash Balance Plan for Plan Sponors in the Cincinnati, OH area:
- Large tax deductions
- For the company, money contributed to the plan is tax deductible now.
- For participants, taxation on benefits is deferred until received as income.
- Accelerated retirement savings for Owners and Key employees
- Can vary contribution by owner or Key employee.
- Employer’s liability is easily defined
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Further Reading: Cash Balance Plans
- SECURE 2.0: Key Provisions
- Choosing A Retirement Plan For Your Small Business
- 4 Red Flags Your Third Party Administrator Is Wrong For You
- Cash Balance Plan Presentation
- Creative Plan Design Presentation
- Action Doc: Cash Balance Plans Allow Six Figure Annual Contributions
- CARES Act Summary-TPS Group
- How the CARES Act Applies to Your Retirement Plan
- Action Doc: Did You Know You Are a Fiduciary
- Action Doc: Advantages of an Unbundled Platform
- Action Doc: Financial Wellness Is Essential to Saving for Retirement
- Action Doc: Maximizing a Business Owners Retirement Benefit
- Action Doc: Understanding Plan Audits
- How a Cash Balance Plan Works
- Action Doc: Your World Evolves and Your Retirement Plan Should, Too
- Action Doc: It’s Time to Restate Your Defined Benefit Plan Document
- The Retirement-Savings Weapon Doctors and Lawyers Use to Build Wealth
- The Retirement-Savings Weapon Doctors and Lawyers Use to Build Wealth
Cash Balance Plans Videos
Cash Balance Plans Allow Six Figure Annual Contributions
Frequently Asked Questions
How does a Cash Balance Plan work?
Each participant has an account which grows annually in two ways: first, a contribution and second, an interest credit, which is guaranteed rather than dependent on the plan’s investment performance.
Can Cash Balance plans be offered in addition to 401(k) Profit Sharing plans or other plans?
Yes, the employer can offer a combination of qualified retirement plans in order to produce a larger contribution.
What are the distribution options upon retirement or if leaving the employer?
Any vested account in a Cash Balance Plan can be paid as a lump-sum distribution or annuity. Lump sums are usually rolled over to an IRA.
Can Cash Balance contributions change?
Yes, but with restrictions. Cash Balance plans can be amended periodically to permit different contribution levels. Any changes must be made before any employee works 1,000 hours during a plan year. In addition, a plan can also be frozen or terminated.
Must everyone participate equally in the Cash Balance plan?
No. Each participant can have a different amount contributed for them.
Is the plan subject to IRS nondiscrimination testing?
Yes, like any other qualified plan, a Cash Balance Plan is subject to nondiscrimination testing. Employers can anticipate contributions in the range of 5% to 7.5% of pay for staff. The exact percentage required for employees depends on the results of nondiscrimination testing.
How do design and administrative costs compare with 401(k) Profit Sharing plans?
They are higher than a 401(k) plan because the plan is maintained by an actuary who needs to certify each year that the plan is in compliance with the Internal Revenue Code.